Symbols in HTML

Symbols in HTML, often referred to as HTML entities or character references, are special codes used to represent characters that have special meanings in HTML or are not easily typed on a standard keyboard. These entities begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;).

Here's a comprehensive list of common HTML symbols and entities:

Commonly Used Symbols

Quotation Marks and Apostrophes

    • " - " (double quote)
    • ' - ' (apostrophe, single quote)
<p>This is a &quot;quoted&quot; text.</p>
<p>It&apos;s a nice day.</p>

Less Than and Greater Than

  • &lt; - < (less than)
  • &gt; - > (greater than)
<p>Use &lt; and &gt; to represent less than and greater than.</p>


  • &amp; - & (ampersand)
<p>Tom &amp; Jerry is a popular cartoon.</p>

Non-breaking Space

  • &nbsp; - (non-breaking space)
<p>This &nbsp; space &nbsp; will &nbsp; not &nbsp; break.</p>

Special Characters

  • &copy; - © (copyright)
  • &reg; - ® (registered trademark)
  • &trade; - ™ (trademark)
<p>&copy; 2024 Your Company</p>
<p>Product&reg; and Service&trade; are trademarks.</p>

Mathematical Symbols

  • &plusmn; - ± (plus-minus)
  • &times; - × (multiplication sign)
  • &divide; - ÷ (division sign)
  • &equals; - = (equals sign)
  • &ne; - ≠ (not equal to)
  • &lt; - < (less than)
  • &gt; - > (greater than)
<p>10 &plusmn; 2 = 8 to 12</p>
<p>6 &times; 7 = 42</p>
<p>15 &divide; 3 = 5</p>
<p>5 &ne; 10</p>

Currency Symbols

  • &dollar; - $ (dollar)
  • &euro; - € (euro)
  • &pound; - £ (pound)
  • &yen; - ¥ (yen)
<p>The price is &dollar;20.</p>
<p>It costs &euro;15.</p>
<p>The fee is &pound;10.</p>
<p>The amount is &yen;1000.</p>

Miscellaneous Symbols

  • &sect; - § (section sign)
  • &para; - ¶ (paragraph sign)
  • &bull; - • (bullet)
  • &hellip; - … (ellipsis)
  • &prime; - ′ (prime)
  • &Prime; - ″ (double prime)
<p>Section &sect;1.2.3</p>
<p>Paragraph &para;1</p>
    <li>&bull; First item</li>
    <li>&bull; Second item</li>
<p>To be continued&hellip;</p>
<p>3′ (feet) and 4″ (inches)</p>

Greek Letters

  • &alpha; - α
  • &beta; - β
  • &gamma; - γ
  • &delta; - δ
  • &epsilon; - ε
  • &zeta; - ζ
  • &eta; - η
  • &theta; - θ
  • &iota; - ι
  • &kappa; - κ
  • &lambda; - λ
  • &mu; - μ
  • &nu; - ν
  • &xi; - ξ
  • &omicron; - ο
  • &pi; - π
  • &rho; - ρ
  • &sigma; - σ
  • &tau; - τ
  • &upsilon; - υ
  • &phi; - φ
  • &chi; - χ
  • &psi; - ψ
  • &omega; - ω
<p>&alpha; &beta; &gamma; &delta; &epsilon;</p>


  • &larr; - ← (left arrow)
  • &uarr; - ↑ (up arrow)
  • &rarr; - → (right arrow)
  • &darr; - ↓ (down arrow)
  • &harr; - ↔ (left-right arrow)
<p>&larr; Left &uarr; Up &rarr; Right &darr; Down &harr; Left-Right</p>

These symbols and entities help ensure that the correct characters are displayed in the browser, even if those characters have special meanings in HTML or are not available on the keyboard.